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Spaceship contains various analog devices, such as: sequencers, semi modular sequencers, synths and drum sequencers from different brands (ARTURIA, KORG, BEHRINGER, and NOVATION). We have four guitars of different models: telecaster, stratocaster, les Paul and Floyd Rose. We also hold a Squier Jazz Bass, and plenty of more objects, such as: Kalimba, Didgeridoo, Bongos, and a Rain Stick. We have a Marshall Amp, two condensers (AKG, M-AUDIO), and a dynamic mic Sm57. 

We have 5 monitors (C, L, R, RS, LS) for mixing in surround. The left and right monitors are Yamaha (HS6), including the Sub (HS8S). The center, left surround and right surround are KRK Rokit 5.


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